Media Release

International climate finance expert David Carlin joins AI fintech startup ClimateAligned as Strategic Advisor

Strategic Advisor Joins to Help Expansion to Corporate Climate Disclosures

14/05/2024 @ London

The Advisory Board of AI fintech startup ClimateAligned expands with David Carlin, internationally recognised climate disclosure expert and the head of UNEP FI’s TCFD programme joining as a Strategic Advisor.

International climate finance expert David Carlin has joined the Advisory Board of AI fintech startup ClimateAligned, drawing on his extensive background in global leadership positions to offer insights on the intersection of AI and sustainable investment. This comes as ClimateAligned is moving to expand its offering from covering bonds to also analysing corporate and sovereign climate transition plans, something which David has extensive experience in.

David Carlin is the founder of Cambium Global Solutions and Head of Risk at UNEP FI and has worked with over 100 global banks, investors, and insurers advising on, developing, and implementing climate scenarios, risk assessments, and governance. He oversaw UNEP FI’s programme on the Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). David serves on the Responsible AI Institute’s (RAI Institute) ESG – Responsible AI Leadership Group.

ClimateAligned is a London-based startup whose AI co-pilot empowers experts to use data in green investing and finance at unprecedented speed and scale, with customisation and transparency at its core. The co-pilot unlocks the capability for analysts to create their own automated assessments of financial instruments and issuers against any climate definitions in line with market standards and in-house thinking. Professionals using the product can build, test, and edit bespoke definitions and use them to create benchmarks and identify gaps in relative performance. ClimateAligned makes green financial product development faster and easier than ever before, freeing expert time to drive value and positive impact.

Aleksi Tukiainen, Co-founder & CEO, ClimateAligned

"The recent advances in AI & machine learning are providing us with the tools to scale capital allocation towards the climate transition by enabling much more detailed analysis be done across financial assets. David’s deep expertise and outlook will be an invaluable resource for ClimateAligned in our next stage of growth as we seek to scale our product offering beyond bonds and the fixed income universe."

David Carlin, Head of Risk, UNEP-FI

"I am excited to be joining the ClimateAligned family. The speed and scope of AI will give rise to transformational change in how finance and investing accelerate the climate transition. ClimateAligned is using AI to speed up and improve decision-making, as well as putting it in the hands of people in a very user-friendly and action-oriented way."

ClimateAligned was launched in September 2023 with £1.5m of funding from leading venture capital investors, including Pale blue dot and Frontline Ventures, as well as strategic angel investors.

Further announcements around product rollout are scheduled for later in Q2 2024.

A recent interview with David Carlin & ClimateAligned Co-founder and CCO Krista Tukiainen can be found here.

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